Debbie Milam
I am a poet, a visionary, a hunter of natural beauty, and one who is wildly in love with the Lord and His Word. Through the profound joy and sorrow life brings and by His grace I have seen signs and wonders, experienced miraculous healings and came to know how alive the Lord is. Our gracious God supernaturally healed me from a 10 year life altering brain injury and post traumatic stress disorder, comforted me from the deep grief after the loss of more loved ones than I can count, and blessed me in more ways than I can imagine. The same God who did this for me is right there for you too. The full story of these miracles is detailed in my books Overtaken by Grace and Lord Show Me You Are Here.
Overtaken by His presence and awed by His grace, I am grateful to God for the many ways He saved me, carries me, loves me and allows me to be of service.
I am blessed to share this exquisite, messy, beautiful, challenging, unpredictable, yet ever so awesome adventure called life with my life-long husband, sweet fur baby, two grown children and a tiny immediate family of 83.
Through our 501c3 Grace Love Well Foundation our mission is to inspire people to the beauty, love, power, and presence of God. 100% of our proceeds go to donating and producing faith-building, God-glorifying books, bible studies, audio, and video resources.

Cindy Coffin
Cindy Coffin is passionate about helping those who have experienced personal loss in one form or another. Over the past 15 years Cindy has faced a lot personal loss and needed help with her grief. Working with The Grief Recovery Program she not only found what she needed but she also found the desire to work with others by becoming a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist. You can visit her website at http://coffinca.wixsite.com/griefrecovery.
Cindy has taught Bible Study classes, written a monthly encouragement letter since 1997 and partnered with people of all ages to walk with them through the challenges they face. She is presently working on publishing a book using those letters to share her life’s journey.
Cindy’s mission statement: Working with people, meeting them where the need is and celebrating with them as they cross the finish line.