by admin | Apr 25, 2017 | Grace Moments
Whatever you face, remember there is a living, loving God who knows not only what you are going through, but He is the one who can get you through it. With God’s help you will come out better than ever. Simply get on your knees and pray, “Lord, I need You....
by admin | Apr 24, 2017 | Grace Letters
There are moments that forever transform one’s life. August 2011 in the midst of life-altering change, I began pouring out my heart to the Lord each morning in my journal. To my amazement He began to write back. This began our love affair, one of amazing joy,...
by admin | Apr 24, 2017 | Grace Letters
August 2011 after a life-changing accident, I began pouring out my pain to the Lord in my journal. To my astonishment He began to write back. These precious gems gave me so much hope. I share them to inspire you to how alive God is. The Bible is the ultimate word...